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Studio Microphone

Sign up for Monthly Vocal Harmony Tips!

Thanks for submitting!


Next time:  Oct 7, 7-9 PM

$40 registration

Address: 5 N Main Street Redding, CT

Drop into our monthly ONLINE

Harmony Vocals Sessions:

Next Online Class August 12 7PM EST

$30 Per Drop in

Good three-part vocal harmony can be the most exciting part of bluegrass and folk music. Learn the basic terminology of folk style harmony singing (Lead, Tenor, Baritone), how to find your first note, how to “stay in your lane” and not sing what the person next to you is singing, and how to blend.

Learn to sing standards in perfect three-part harmony and develop a natural understanding and approach to harmony singing.

Learn to sing perfect three-part vocal harmony in my harmony vocals school- or drop in to monthly singing lessons. Subscribing will give you access to 7 different tracks for each song:

Lead only, Tenor only, Baritone only, Lead and Tenor, Lead and Baritone, Baritone and tenor, Accompaniment only. You will also gain access to Weekly Harmony Vocals Classes

Joining gives you access to ALL ZOOM CLASSES and REPLAYS,

as well as vocal instruction and tips.

($20 a month)

Beta Harmony Singing App - I'm working with an app developer on a vocal harmony singing tool- Try it out and give your feedback here

Teaching Harmony Vocals at Ashokan Southern Week
Light and Shadow
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