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Music Fundamentals

Ever wonder what It's like to go to music school?


Here's a sneak peak of my "Music Fundamentals" Zoom Class where I share my notes from music school.

Here is the material covered:


-Ear Training

-Interval Reconignition

-Solfeggio (Do, re, mi...)

-Audiation practice

-Dictation (Writing things down)

-Music Theory

-Chords and how they function

-Meter and Rhythm

-Hearing Chord Progressions without an instrument

-Form and Analysis (Verse, Chorus AABA, AABB. ABAB..)


Here is a sample lesson on "Rhythm"


Rhythm Fundamentals as they were taught in my

College Ear Training and Sight Singing Courses


This tutorial will define terms like "Macro-Beat", Division, Sub-division, meter, and leave you with exercises to work on having

a rock solid sense of time.


**Class not Currently Running**​


Feedback from the first session:


"This is so very valuable to me... In my past schooling, I never had music theory. Everything you taught tonight was a wealth of information"


"I love your excitement and enthusiasm. You're an excellent teacher"

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